Latest News!
FrankenFury: The Monster of Martial Arts!
I just setup the Kickstarter prelaunch page for my newest upcoming project. This will be the first issue of an ongoing series with a mix of martial arts action, fantasy, sci fi and humor. The story is about a tragic hero who may be the last person with the fighting spirit to save humanity from its fated annihilation. Think, Frankenstein meets Bruce Lee meets Spider-Man. Go sign up so we can build up a head of steam and have a strong launch!
Once again, if you want to follow the development of this project -- with lots of behind the scenes info and artwork -- check out my Substack newsletter, at the link below!
On Fund My Comic now!
I'm offering the books/items that are already completed and ready to ship out. My hope is to reach more people to grow more support for future projects. Click the pic above or HERE to go to the campaign page!
The Fight Never Ends
My wife completed her chemotherapy treatments and is now undergoing radiation treatments because they found traces of the cancer in one of her lymph nodes. We also went through the whole Hurricane Helene thing and I recently had to quit my job because of my own health issues. So, it would be REALLY GREAT if I could sell more books. Please consider visiting the Fund My Comic store front (if you don't want to wait for the FrankenFury campaign or just don't want to deal with Kickstarter) to get you some indie comic goodness in physical or PDF form!
Back With The Twits!
I've decided to jump back onto Twitter.
Facebook and Instagram ain't really helping to reach more people (as far as I can tell) so I figured I'd give it another shot on Twitter.
So if you're more of a Twitter user, you can click that pic to go to my profile. See ya there!
Click the pic to check out previews of Epic of Darkness #1 and #2, which contain a few pages from each story.
Note that the story "Roketto-Man" is in black and white in the #1 preview but is in full color in the final comic.
Also, this book contains sex, nudity, graphic violence, foul language and other potentially disturbing stuff so don't read it if you're uncomfortable with any of that material. You've been warned!

graphic novel
A small group of evolved dinosaurs escape their alien slave masters and return to modern-day Earth, causing havoc across the universe. It's a savage, irreverent satire of modern life, pitting man vs beast vs aliens vs a god!
96-pages collecting issues #1 - #4 that were only published digitally. First printing was limited to only 100 copies!
Click HERE to purchase on Amazon! (Note that the Amazon price is higher because of all the ridiculous fees they charge to sellers and their preset shipping price, which doesn't actually cover the full cost of shipping.)

Update July 2023: Amazon quantities have been zeroed out while I run the Fund My Comic campaign. So if you're interested in getting a book, go to the FMC campaign page at the link at the top of this page. Thanks!


heroic anthology
Update July 2023: Amazon quantities have been zeroed out while I run the Fund My Comic campaign. So if you're interested in getting a book, go to the FMC campaign page at the link at the top of this page. Thanks!

Vampire hunters, pulp gangsters, greedy sentient mechs, silent ninja assassins, blood-thirsty aliens from a parallel dimension and... Santa Claus?! It's sci-fi, superhero, action-adventure for all ages!
Saddle-stitched 52-page anthology with 9 short stories about the heroic myth as told in different genres and eras. First printing was limited to only 75 copies!
Click HERE to purchase on Amazon!
(Note that the Amazon price is higher because of all the ridiculous fees they charge to sellers and their preset shipping price, which doesn't actually cover the full cost of shipping.)

supernatural horror comic
Update July 2023: Amazon quantities have been zeroed out while I run the Fund My Comic campaign. So if you're interested in getting a book, go to the FMC campaign page at the link at the top of this page. Thanks!

Chosen by The Walking Dead artist Charlie Adlard as the Horror Comic of the Year of those on the ComixCentral website in 2018.

Anthony Leon drags himself across the cold, blood-stained concrete of a dark alley. The two street thugs that attacked him and left him for dead are heading for his home to continue their drug-fueled rampage. With his last breaths, Anthony pleads for salvation for his unsuspecting, defenseless family. Surprisingly, his prayer is answered. But who could have the power to grant vengeance to a dead man?
Saddle-stitched 40-page horror story about a random act of violence that has supernatural consequences. First printing was limited to only 85 copies of the standard cover! (3 variant cover editions were printed, each limited to 15 copies.)
Click HERE to purchase on Amazon!
(Note that the Amazon price is higher because of all the ridiculous fees they charge to sellers and their preset shipping price, which doesn't actually cover the full cost of shipping.)


Note that this print edition has an epilogue not included in the original digital edition.

adult horror anthology
Chronicling the corruption of humanity and its inexorable march towards self-destruction.
Saddle-stitched. 48-pages. 6 stories. First printing was limited to only 125 copies!

A Little Off The Top
GRaV Part One
Roketto-Man Part One
King Dead Jed
Fallen Angel Part One
Saddle-stitched. 36-pages. 4 stories. First printing was limited to only 100 copies!

The Best We Can Do!
Roketto-Man Conclusion!
GRaV Part Two
Fallen Angel Part Two

A Sci-Fi, Action-Adventure Comedy
(All Ages)

relaunch in
It's the waning days of summer, 1985, in the small beach town of Ocean City. Mya, a waitress at a 24-hour diner on the boardwalk, can't afford to join her classmates going off to college in the fall. She's stuck in this small town and her future prospects look bleak.
Until one morning, driving home after her graveyard shift, Mya encounters a mysterious warrior resolute in its mission to annihilate its cosmic arch-nemesis, the V'Raq.
Its presence will reignite a bloody war against an insidious enemy that has been hiding dormant on Earth for thousands of years.
7-issue mini-series to be funded via Kickstarter.
Art by Ian Waryanto and Anton Bandi (The Mighty Mascots).
Epic of Darkness #3
Adult Horror Anthology
(Mature Readers)
The pigmen's funhouse becomes a slaughterhouse!

Doom homage cover by Anem Nofect and Lucia Duarte
Neotheric #5
They're back!

Finally, the series will continue with new artists Joaquin Guerra and Lucia Duarte.
Originally, I planned on this crowdfunding campaign to be first up in 2023 but things have not gone to plan. So, stay tuned for an exact launch date.
Chapter Two

On the night her father was murdered, Matilda Leon encountered a demonic force.
Four years later, it has returned. And, this time, she believes it has come for her soul.
A planned 4-issue miniseries that follows the ramifications of the events from Chapter One.
The characters are each haunted by the past and struggle to turn their curse into a blessing.